The internet is a treasure trove of humor and entertainment, and one of the most beloved forms of online content is memes. Memes are a great way to express and share relatable experiences, and the bisexual community is no exception. Bisexual memes have become a popular form of self-expression and solidarity for those who identify as bisexual. From lighthearted jokes to thought-provoking commentary, there are countless bisexual memes that capture the unique experiences and struggles of being bisexual. In this article, we’ll explore 31 of the best bisexual memes that are sure to make you laugh, nod in agreement, and maybe even shed a tear or two.

Looking to add some humor to your day? These 31 memes perfectly capture the experience of being bisexual, and they are guaranteed to make you laugh out loud. Whether you're bisexual yourself or just looking for a good chuckle, these memes will brighten your day. Check them out and get ready to crack up! And while you're at it, why not spice up your love life with some free dating apps in Sri Lanka? Check them out here and meet someone special today!

1. "When someone says bisexuality isn’t real"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated, with the caption "When someone says bisexuality isn’t real." It perfectly captures the frustration and disbelief that many bisexual individuals feel when their identity is dismissed or invalidated.

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2. "When you love both men and women"

This meme features a photo of a person surrounded by heart emojis and the caption "When you love both men and women." It humorously highlights the struggle of having feelings for multiple genders and the difficulty of navigating relationships as a bisexual person.

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3. "Me trying to explain bisexuality to someone"

This meme features a photo of a confused-looking individual with a speech bubble that says "Me trying to explain bisexuality to someone." It perfectly captures the struggle of trying to educate others about bisexuality and the misconceptions that many people have about it.

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4. "When someone asks if you’re gay or straight"

This meme features a photo of a person looking flustered with the caption "When someone asks if you’re gay or straight." It humorously highlights the frustration of having to constantly explain and justify one’s sexual orientation to others.

5. "When you’re attracted to both Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson"

This meme features a photo of a person looking smitten with the caption "When you’re attracted to both Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson." It humorously captures the struggle of being attracted to multiple genders and the difficulty of choosing a celebrity crush.

6. "When you come out as bisexual and someone asks if you’re just confused"

This meme features a photo of a person rolling their eyes with the caption "When you come out as bisexual and someone asks if you’re just confused." It humorously highlights the ignorance and invalidation that many bisexual individuals face when coming out.

7. "When someone says bisexuals are just greedy"

This meme features a photo of a person looking shocked with the caption "When someone says bisexuals are just greedy." It humorously captures the absurdity of the stereotype that bisexual individuals are greedy or promiscuous.

8. "When you have a crush on both your male and female friends"

This meme features a photo of a person looking conflicted with the caption "When you have a crush on both your male and female friends." It humorously captures the struggle of developing feelings for friends of multiple genders and the awkwardness that can arise from it.

9. "When someone says bisexuals are just going through a phase"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When someone says bisexuals are just going through a phase." It humorously captures the frustration of having one’s sexual orientation dismissed as a phase or experiment.

10. "When you have to explain that bisexuality isn’t just about sex"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When you have to explain that bisexuality isn’t just about sex." It humorously captures the misconception that bisexuality is solely about sexual attraction and the frustration of having to debunk this stereotype.

11. "When your parents ask if you’re sure you’re not just gay"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When your parents ask if you’re sure you’re not just gay." It humorously captures the struggle of coming out as bisexual to unsupportive or uninformed family members.

12. "When someone asks if you’re attracted to every person you meet"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When someone asks if you’re attracted to every person you meet." It humorously captures the misconception that bisexual individuals are attracted to everyone they encounter and the frustration of having to dispel this myth.

13. "When you have to explain that bisexuality isn’t about percentages"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When you have to explain that bisexuality isn’t about percentages." It humorously captures the misconception that bisexuality is about being equally attracted to men and women, and the frustration of having to clarify this misunderstanding.

14. "When someone asks if you’re going to leave them for someone of a different gender"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When someone asks if you’re going to leave them for someone of a different gender." It humorously captures the insecurity and fear that some individuals have about dating a bisexual person, and the frustration of having to reassure them that this is not the case.

15. "When someone says bisexuals don’t belong in the LGBTQ+ community"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When someone says bisexuals don’t belong in the LGBTQ+ community." It humorously captures the erasure and discrimination that bisexual individuals face within the LGBTQ+ community and the frustration of having to fight for recognition and acceptance.

16. "When someone asks if you’re attracted to non-binary people too"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When someone asks if you’re attracted to non-binary people too." It humorously captures the misconception that bisexuality is only about being attracted to men and women, and the frustration of having to educate others about attraction to non-binary individuals as well.

17. "When someone assumes your partner’s gender based on your own"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When someone assumes your partner’s gender based on your own." It humorously captures the frustration of having others make assumptions about one’s partner’s gender based on their own, and the difficulty of navigating relationships as a bisexual person.

18. "When someone says bisexuality is just a trend"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When someone says bisexuality is just a trend." It humorously captures the misconception that bisexuality is a passing fad or trend, and the frustration of having to defend one’s sexual orientation as valid and enduring.

19. "When someone asks if you’re attracted to yourself"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When someone asks if you’re attracted to yourself." It humorously captures the absurdity of the misconception that bisexual individuals are attracted to themselves, and the frustration of having to debunk this stereotype.

20. "When someone says bisexuality is just a stepping stone to being gay"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When someone says bisexuality is just a stepping stone to being gay." It humorously captures the misconception that bisexuality is a transitional phase on the way to identifying as gay, and the frustration of having to refute this stereotype.

21. "When you have to explain that bisexuality isn’t about threesomes"

This meme features a photo of a person looking exasperated with the caption "When you have to explain that bisexuality isn’t about threesomes." It humorously captures the misconception that bisexual individuals are promiscuous or interested in threesomes, and the frustration